[Reset your mind and body] 100 BGM songs for sleep “Restore your mind with serotonin”

Relaxation Music for Resetting the Mind and Body

For those who suffer from insomnia or mental problems, this video provides specially designed relaxation music. Based on psychoacoustics, this music aims to promote the secretion of serotonin and help reset the mind and body. The music is combined with natural sounds and binaural beats, which support deep sleep and reduce stress and anxiety. In particular, the sound using Hemi-Sync technology achieves more effective relaxation by regulating brain waves. Listening to this music will improve the quality of your sleep and balance your mind and body.

Psychoacoustics and the power of music

Acoustic psychology research shows that music has a direct effect on our brain and can significantly change our emotions and state of mind. In particular, binaural beats and natural sounds are said to promote relaxation and have a calming effect. This video aims to incorporate this scientific approach and restore the mind through music. Music is not just entertainment, it is a powerful tool for maintaining mental and physical health. The sound technology used in the video reflects the latest research findings and will contribute to stress relief and mental stability.

How to improve your mental health with music therapy

Music therapy is considered to be a very effective means of psychological problems and stress management. The music in this video not only provides relaxation, but also has the effect of increasing concentration and relieving mental fatigue. Music therapy studies have shown that regularly listening to relaxing music can reduce stress hormones and improve mental health. The music used in the video is particularly effective for treating insomnia, depression and anxiety. Incorporating this music into your daily life can help you regain peace of mind and achieve better quality sleep.

YouTube Channel for Sleep and Mental Health

Listen to ” Sleep BGM Mindfulness ” on music distribution sites

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