[Auditory stimulation] Relaxation Sleep Empowerment expressiveness

The world of deep sleep guided by music

Music has been said to have the power to heal the human mind and body since ancient times. This song is particularly composed of a 528Hz frequency, and incorporates sound vibrations that promote harmony between the mind and body. This frequency is also called the “frequency of love” and is said to be useful for cell repair and healing the mind. In addition, based on the philosophy of Nada Yoga, the sound itself is used as a means to create meditation and harmony. Recent studies have shown that 528Hz promotes the secretion of serotonin, bringing mental stability and restful sleep. This song, created based on these scientific backgrounds, offers a new form of relaxation in today’s society, where sleep is lacking, insomnia, and stress is high.

Balance your mind with rhythm and sound

The music contains binaural beats and isochronic tones that induce alpha brainwaves. Alpha waves are brainwaves that promote relaxation and improve focus, and are effective in reducing stress and anxiety. This technology is based on psychoacoustics and regulates the balance of the brain’s natural neurotransmitters. This music will help people who suffer from mental disorders, such as depression and HSP (highly sensitive person), to regain peace of mind. As a music therapy expert, I strive to achieve deeper healing that goes beyond simple relaxation when creating music that incorporates these techniques.

Meditation and self-growth guided by music

This music is perfect not only for sleep and relaxation, but also for meditation and mindfulness. The melody incorporates elements of Zen, leading you to a deeper level of consciousness and providing time to reflect on your inner self. The role of music in meditation is to increase concentration and clear away distracting thoughts, and this piece achieves this purpose beautifully. It also works on the subconscious mind while you sleep, helping to stabilize your mind in the long term. Music created with such a multifaceted approach could be the answer to many of the problems modern people face. Why not try this music to help you achieve deeper sleep and peace of mind?

YouTube Channel for Sleep and Mental Health

Listen to ” Sleep BGM Mindfulness ” on music distribution sites

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